Bank CEOs: Sorry for Risky Behavior, Bad Decisions

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Uploaded by on Jan 13, 2010

Wall Street executives said they underestimated the severity of the 2008 financial crisis and apologized for risky behavior and poor decisions. (Jan. 13)

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  • These banksters need a cell next to their buddy Maddy. Support HR1207 to audit the Feds and watch heads roll!! These people are the real government and control congress! Jail them all for treason!!

  • Brookley Born,

    You know that these Bank CEOs are lying thieving thugs who would not listen to you during the Clinton years when you told them that their crooked banking practices would wreck America's economy. Greenspan, Clinton, Bush&Dick, Geithner, Summers, Paulson, Rubin, Levitt, etc put the policy "Fraud is Good" in place. These CEOs (Mack, Dimon, Blankfein, etc) should be stripped of their ill gotten wealth & put in prison, never to see the light of day again.Break up these criminal banks.

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  • David Lowman, Chase CEO, is a true miracle. He is living proof that both anal conception and birth are truly possible.

  • the angelides panel is an insult to the american people, they will stooge it up for wall street, tinker with a few details and whitewash the whole thing.

  • Long story short Judge says "bad bankers" and they say "it was our CEO's fault" so they all happily agree to lightly lower their pay if performance is low.

    That would be great if the CEO's weren't taking bribes from anyone, but I don't see it solving the problem.

    Honestly we should just put the CEO in prison. Too often people with money evade our legal system by using money Bribery hurts the whole judicial system and economy Please officers do your job

  • Well Fuck You Too

    Mother Fuckin' White Collar Shitsucker

    Pray I don't Mug your fucking ass

    Better have insurance

    Health Insurance

  • Fucken Basterds Can Keep their Money

    Soon It Wont Have Any Value Anyway

    Community Is The Key To The Path That Eats.. .. oops i mean Leads.

  • Several months ago the Feds told the Finance Committee they can not account for 600 million dollars!

  • The feds are a problem! They are a private banking system! The IRS collects the Feds money for them - all thanks to the hard working tax payers! Research Jekyll Ilse! They need to be audited and you should look at HR1207!

  • The problem is not at the Feds. The problem is in the banks. They have too much power and too little or no regulation. As long as banks are allowed to do as they please, they will continue to do as they please...unjustifiable bonuses to big executives, and risky, even criminal behavior. Saying sorry is not enough. Admitting errors is just the beginning. Changing behavior must follow or regret is meaningless.

  • They could say " Sorry we going to kill all first borns" and nothing would be done to put them in jail.



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