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State Rankings -- Statistical Abstract of the United States


[When states share the same rank, the next lower rank is omitted. Because of rounded data, states may have identical values shown, but different ranks. Cautionary note]

State Rate2 Rank3
    United States 467 (X)
Alabama 448 21
Alaska 661 8
Arizona 483 18
Arkansas 529 12
California 523 13
Colorado 348 25
Connecticut 256 41
Delaware 689 6
District of Columbia 1,414 (X)
Florida 723 5
Georgia 493 17
Hawaii 273 39
Idaho 239 42
Illinois 533 11
Indiana 334 27
Iowa 295 32
Kansas 453 20
Kentucky 295 31
Louisiana 730 4
Maine 118 50
Maryland 642 9
Massachusetts 432 22
Michigan 536 10
Minnesota 289 35
Mississippi 291 33
Missouri 505 15
Montana 288 37
Nebraska 302 30
Nevada 751 3
New Hampshire 137 48
New Jersey 329 29
New Mexico 664 7
New York 414 24
North Carolina 466 19
North Dakota 142 47
Ohio 343 26
Oklahoma 500 16
Oregon 288 36
Pennsylvania 417 23
Rhode Island 227 45
South Carolina 788 1
South Dakota 169 46
Tennessee 753 2
Texas 511 14
Utah 235 44
Vermont 124 49
Virginia 270 40
Washington 333 28
West Virginia 275 38
Wisconsin 291 34
Wyoming 239 43

X Not applicable.

1Estimated number of violent crimes, which includes murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
2Based on Census Bureau estimates as of July 1.
3For quality of ranking data - see Crime in the United States, 2007, "Caution against Ranking."

Source: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States, annual.
Crime in the United States, 2007.
See Table 297, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2010.

For more information:
Uniform Crime Reports

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