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Secretary Mike Leavitt

Photo of Secretary Michael O. Leavitt
Secretary Michael O. Leavitt

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Michael O. Leavitt was sworn in as the 20th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on January 26, 2005. As Secretary, he leads the Nation’s efforts in protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services to those in need.

Following his core principles, Secretary Mike Leavitt uses a 500-Day Plan as a management tool to guide his energies in fulfilling the President’s vision of a healthier and more hopeful America. The plan is both flexible and dynamic. The 250-Day Update reflects the evolution of the Secretary’s original 500-Day Plan. Based on these guides, Secretary Leavitt has identified his priorities for the coming year.


Ongoing Initiatives:


HHS Priorities (Printable Version)

HHS Priorities for America's Healthcare Future