WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 25 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — we’d love you to join the family.

Ready to get started? Download WordPress 3.1.3

News From Our Blog

WordCamp San Francisco Call for Speakers

The annual WordPress conference, WordCamp San Francisco (home of the very first WordCamp), is now accepting speaker applications. Past speakers have included core WordPress developers, people building successful businesses on WordPress, popular bloggers, people from related projects and businesses…you name it. In addition to Matt Mullenweg’s annual “State of the Word” address, WCSF has played…

It’s Easy As…

  1. Find a Web Host and get great hosting while supporting WordPress at the same time.
  2. Download & Install WordPress with our famous 5-minute installation. Feel like a rock star.
  3. Read the Documentation and become a WordPress expert yourself, impress your friends.