800 Eastowne Dr., Ste. 105,
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Connections logo revised

Videos in the series include:

April 8, 2015

  • Connect the Dots: Building a Movement for Children and Families – Prevent Child Abuse America, the Center for the Study of Social Policy and the National Alliance of Children’s Trust & Prevention Funds
  • Making Meaningful Connections – The Child Welfare Information Gateway
  • Developing a National Strategy to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities – The Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities

April 15, 2015

  • Using Adverse Childhood Experiences Research to Prioritize Prevention – The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
  • Connecting with Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention and the FRIENDS National Center – The FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP

April 22, 2015

  • Early Experiences Matter: Preventing Child Maltreatment from the Start – Zero to Three
  • Introduction to Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework – The Center for the Study of Social Policy
  • Child Abuse Prevention to Trauma Treatment: Psychology Benefitting All Children and Families – American Psychological Association

April 29, 2015

  • Healthy Communities, Strong Families, Safe and Healthy Children – The National Alliance of Children’s Trust & Prevention Funds
  • The Benefits of Infant Massage: For Babies, Parents, Communities and Society - Infant Massage USA
  • Harnessing Mobile App Technology with the Period of PURPLE Crying to Prevent Abusive Head Trauma/Shaken Baby Syndrome – The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome

More information on National Child Abuse Prevention Month, including tips, tools and resources relevant to a variety of audiences, is available on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website.

Disclaimer: The content in the video series do not necessarily represent the official views or policies of the Children’s Bureau.

Background about the development of Connections:

The Connections series is a collaboration between the Children’s Bureau and the National Child Abuse Prevention Partners. Connections features presentations from 11 different organizations, focused around themes to help move the child maltreatment field forward to a greater emphasis on prevention.

The National Child Abuse Prevention Partners is a diverse group of more than 40 federal and national organizations representing the broad spectrum of those committed to child maltreatment prevention. The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect provides the platform for the organization of this group. This last year, the group decided to focus on collaboratively developing key prevention agendas/priorities/strategies from the various national organizations as a way to highlight similarities, differences and opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

These strategies that the group decided to focus on include:

  1. Develop a plan for child abuse and neglect prevention.
  2. Promote research on risk factors for child abuse and neglect and effective prevention strategies.
  3. Enhance the capacity of those working with children and families to implement best practices.
  4. Reach families and communities directly to ensure that they are engaged in creating strong, nurturing and supportive environments for children.

The Connections video series builds on these important themes developed collaboratively by the National Child Abuse Prevention Partners.