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The term of the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities expired on March 18, 2016.

Uncovering Deficiencies at the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare

Filed in Uncategorized By on July 13, 2014

Milwaukee has a serious problem, one that if left unaddressed could result in the death of children.  The problem is in the child welfare system, and the stakes are as high as can be.  State Representatives Chris Taylor and LaTonya Johnson have attempted to address this problem by sending a joint letter to Eloise Anderson, the Secretary of the Department of Children and Families, on July 10, 2014.

The letter indicates that the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare is significantly behind in processing initial assessments of potential abuse and neglect cases in Milwaukee County.  Initial assessments occur after a complaint is made to the Bureau.  Complaints are screened for suitability for assessment prior to being assigned to an initial assessment worker.  The most extreme cases are given to caseworkers with a directive to respond within two hours, but other cases that are not immediately life-threatening go in the initial assessment queue. Read more»

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