Security & Privacy
Robust privacy programs will help ensure that Federal agencies consider privacy protections and controls when they collect, use, share, retain, disclose, and destroy personally identifiable information (PII). However, each organization’s specific mission, as well as its legal, regulatory, and operational obligations, requirements, and authorities, will affect the design and implementation of its privacy program.

Protect American national security and economic health by securing the infrastructure and integrity of our public and private cyberspace while safeguarding citizens’ privacy and civil liberties.

Standardize and ensure the secure exchange of information to allow for unprecedented, seamless delivery of benefits and services to the nation.

Enhance online privacy with seamless and secure access to Federal Government systems and facilities.

Maintain strong Federal Government privacy programs to ensure that organizations consider privacy protections and controls when making business decisions involving the collection, use, sharing, retention, disclosure, and destruction of personally identifiable information (PII).