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Closing The Technology Gap

Businesses, organizations, and individuals are using technology every day to save money, increase efficiencies, and improve collaboration and communication. We expect our government not only to keep up with these standards, but to innovate and lead. The Office of the CIO has identified the following priority areas to close the technology gap.

Open, Transparent, & Participatory Government

Democratization of government data begins by making information freely available online. With access to this data, American citizens can hold our institutions accountable and can offer their ideas and skills to solve the nation’s challenges.  More ›

Policy Compliance

The Open Government Directive charges government agencies with achieving key milestones in transparency, collaboration, and participation. Agencies are required to set timelines for publishing data, improving public knowledge of their operations, and creating economic opportunities. More ›


System-wide improvements to the Federal technology organizational structure will increase the government’s efficiency and effectiveness. More ›


By tapping into the spirit of American innovation and the power of technology, the government can improve performance and lower the cost of its operations. More ›

Security & Privacy

The Federal Government is advancing its information security through a shift from compliance to a real-time security position, improved identity management, and seamless information sharing. More ›


The Federal Government will enact policies that produce beneficial results: positive solutions to today’s local, national, and global issues. More ›

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