Welcome to The Gulf Coast Claims Facility Website

The Gulf Coast Claims Facility ("GCCF") is the official way for Individuals and Businesses to file claims for costs and damages incurred as a result of the oil discharges due to the Deepwater Horizon Incident on April 20, 2010 ("the Spill"). The GCCF is administered by Kenneth R. Feinberg ("the Claims Administrator"), a neutral fund administrator responsible for all decisions relating to the administration and processing of claims by the GCCF.

All claims filed before August 23, 2010 have been transferred to the GCCF for ongoing review and determination.

This website provides information about how to file a claim, how to check the current status of a claim, and answers to questions about the process. If you are interested in making a claim you should review this website, call our toll-free helpline at 1-800-916-4893 (for TTY assistance call
1-866-682-1758), or email us at info@gccf-claims.com.


The GCCF continues to strive to review all claims submitted by individuals and businesses as quickly as possible. The documentation submitted by individuals and business claimants is, in some cases, voluminous and complex and requires careful scrutiny and attention to assure that each claimant will be afforded the benefit of the most generous payment determination as supported by the documentation. Thus, the announced 48 hour claim determination rule for individual claims, and the 7 day claim determination rule for business claims will be extended as necessary and appropriate.

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