Deepwater Horizon Response Banner

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response

Please visit our new website, During the transition information will be updated here and on the new site.

Report an Incident

How can I report oiled shoreline?

Please contact the hotline at (866) 448-5816.

How can I report oiled wildlife?

To report oiled or injured wildlife, please call (866) 557-1401.

How can I resolve media access concerns?

Press with vessels are encouraged to continue to cover this spill and response efforts from areas not subject to a safety zone and all press are encouraged to cover the event from public places or private property they have permission to access. Any press who encounter response personnel restricting their access or violating the media access policy of the National Incident Commander should contact the Joint Information Center at: (713) 323-1670 and provide their name, contact information, a description of the incident, the name and agency/company of the person denying access, the reason given for denial of access, and any efforts made by the reporter or the person to allow safe access that did not work. This will allow the unified command to follow up and take corrective action as required.


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