WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) today released the following statement on the nation’s December unemployment report, which showed a decrease in the unemployment rate to 8.5 percent:

“While it’s good to see that the unemployment rate has dropped, the economy is far from out of the woods. The GDP figures released recently are more evidence that we remain in one of the most sluggish recoveries in our history and are not seeing the growth we need.  We need to push aggressively for pro-growth measures that will encourage job creation and strengthen the economy.

 “Washington needs to reform the corporate tax code in order to make American businesses more competitive and encourage investment here at home. Congress should also take up the Jobs Through Growth Act, which includes: spending restraint to address the record debt and deficit that are dragging down the economy; sensible regulatory reform that makes America more competitive; export promotion to help open new markets for job creators; and an energy policy that makes us less dependent on foreign oil and uses American resources to ensure reliable and affordable energy.”