/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 17:46:40 Mar 10, 2011 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 8:54:23 Apr 27, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ if (FlashInGrid == undefined) var FlashInGrid = {}; var beaconID = "flash-in-grid-beacon"; var reqVersion = 9; (function() { function msg(txt) { alert(txt); } function getHeight(imgHeight, width) { if (FlashInGrid.aspect_ratio) { return Math.round(width / FlashInGrid.aspect_ratio) + 16; } //msg("defaulting to 4:3 a/r"); return Math.round(width / 1.33333) + 16; } function init() { if (!jQuery.fn.flash.hasFlash(reqVersion)) { return; } var slot = $('#' + beaconID).parent().children('div.force-inline').children('.img:first'); if ($(slot).length < 1) slot = $('#' + beaconID).parent().children('div.story').children('.img:first'); if ($(slot).length < 1) { //msg("**appropriate slot not found**"); return; } var w = $(slot).find('img:first').attr("clientWidth"); var imgH = $(slot).find('img:first').attr("clientHeight"); var h = getHeight(imgH, w); $(slot).empty().flash({ src: FlashInGrid.FLASH_SOURCE, width: 727, height: 250, allowscriptaccess: 'always', flashvars: { w: 727, h: 250 }, wmode: 'transparent' }, { version: reqVersion, update: false }); $(slot).find('.alt').remove(); } FlashInGrid.load = init; })(); $(function() { FlashInGrid.load(); });