IUCN threat status:

Endangered (EN)

Brief Summary

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A large baleen whale.

A large dark gray to brownish black baleen whale; narrow V-shaped rostrum has a prominent median ridge; dorsal fin is angled strongly rearward, located about one-third the body length forward from the fluke notch, and is followed by a distinct dorsal ridge that extends to the tail; throat has numerous longitudinal grooves; many individuals have a whitish chevron on each side of the back above the flippers; right lower lip and right front baleen are whitish, left lower lip is dark and remainder of baleen is streaked with yellowish white and bluish gray; flippers are fairly long and narrow; baleen is up to 72 cm long; two nostrils; grows to about 26.8 m, females reaching larger sizes than males (Leatherwood and Reeves 1983).


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Supplier: NatureServe

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