Pest Hotline
Statewide: 643-PEST
More phone numbers

Report your pest in person.

Report a known pest or a plant or animal that you suspect may be acting invasively.


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Help the Hawaii Early Detection Network-
Report your find online.

The Hawaii Early Detection Network was created to increase public awareness of invasive species and engage communities in the monitoring of their own neighborhoods. Find out how you help protect the environment of Hawaii by paticipating in the Eyes and Ears Team and attending an educational workshop or downloading your own copy of the Kauai "Eyes and Ears" manual (1.2 MB PDF) or Maui "Eyes and Ears" early detection manual (2 MB PDF).

INVESTIGATE IT! Early detection begins with looking for the plants and animals on the early detection hit list for Hawaii, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Kauai, or Oahu.

inspect it

INSPECT IT! Once you find a plant or animal that looks like one on the early detection hit list compare it to the descriptions and photos on this website. Don't forget to compare to the "look alikes." Take this quiz to see if you know your pests.

collect it

COLLECT IT! If you are unsure about what you found, it's time to collect it. Refer to the collect it web pages for ways to collect and identify a specimen without causing damage to you or the environment. Use the online report form to ask for identification help.

report it

REPORT IT! Now you're ready to tell someone about your findings. Report your pest online, by phone, or in person.

Join the Hawaii Early Detection Network

Last Updated: Tuesday August 09 2011. If you have any questions about the Hawaii Early Detection Network contact reportapest-maui@lists.hawaii.edu.

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey