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Welcome to NIFTT!

NIFTT logo

The National Interagency Fuels, Fire, and Vegetation Technology Transfer (NIFTT) operates under the umbrella of the Wildland Fire Management Research, Development, and Application program within the Rocky Mountain Research Station. NIFTT is currently sponsored by the National Interagency Fuels Management Committee and LANDFIRE.

NIFTT's mission is to provide land managers with science-based analysis tools and training (e.g., online courses, webinars, tutorials, guidebooks, and workshops) focused on the assessment of fire behavior, fire effects, fire regimes, and vegetation dynamics. We provide customer support via our web pages ( and and Help Desk ( NIFTT also offers classroom workshops that can be tailored to local needs. Please contact NIFTT if you are interested in a classroom workshop in your region.

Be sure and see us at the Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) Southwest Fire Ecology Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico February 27 - March 2, 2012.  The Wildland Fire Assessment Workshop will be February 27th.    

We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact us at

Check It Out:

A new course describing the Fuel Loading Model fire effects classification system and applications is now available. Select Training in the menu on the left to access the course registration page.

Version 2.3 of the LANDFIRE Data Access Tool (LFDAT) has been released for ArcGIS 9.2/9.3 and ArcGIS 10.

The LANDFIRE Total Fuel Change Tool (ToFu Delta) is available. ToFu Delta facilitates the editing of LANDFIRE rule sets to create customized surface and canopy fuel layers for local applications.

The FRCC Guidebook version 3.0 is available , with updated methodologies, data forms, and more.

The FRCC Software Application (FRCCSA) version is available. It has been redesigned to be more user-friendly and has refined and added FRCC analysis capabilities.

fire image

Click here to view a NIFTT Overview presentation