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Geographic Areas > Rocky Mountain > Rocky Mountain Fire Portal


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Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Fire Portal

The Rocky Mountain Fire Portal provides information about fire science and technology relevant to Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. Our goal is to provide "one-stop shopping" for resource managers, decision makers, scientists, students, and communities who want access to the results of efforts to understand and manage fire and fuels on lands in the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains regions.

SRFSN logo

Check out the Southern Rockies Fire Science Network (SRFSN): the SRFSN was formed to facilitate collaboration between science practitioners and communities of science information users in Colorado and south central Wyoming. The SRFSN plans to engage stakeholders in a combination of efforts that will bring together scientists and managers, including: (1) road show field trips; (2) web-based content management; (3) demonstration sites; and (4) science needs workshops. Funding for the SRFSN has been provided by the Joint Fire Science Program.

Notices for Rocky Mountain

Expand  Conference: 2012 Fire and Water Quality Conference - Banff, Canada
Expand  Conference: 3rd Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference - Seattle, WA
Expand  Conference: AFE 5th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress - Portland, OR
Expand  Conference: AFE Southwest Fire Ecology Conference - Santa Fe, NM
Expand  General: Nominations Open for IAWF Ember Award
Expand  Conference: Rendezvous in the Rockies: 2012 U.S. Forest Service Reunion - Vail, CO
Expand  General: WUI Fire Webinar Series