Fill out this form to alert us of sightings of new pests in Hawaii. Include as many details as possible to help us assess your report. Once submitted, this pest report will immediately be sent to a local invasive species expert. If you are reporting a snake, please immediately contact the police at 911. (NOTE: Asterisk [*] and red color indicate a required field!)
NEW- Found a feral bee colony? Use these "Report a Nest" Instructions.

Tracking Number : T1112012161930
Lat: Lng:
To refine your location first choose an island and fill out an address in the island and location fields to your left. Click the "Refine Location" button, then drag the red marker to your exact location. You may need to zoom into the map to find your location. The position will automatically be updated to the location of the red marker.
Last Name :
First Name :
Email :
Including your email will allow us to let you know what happened with your report.
Phone :
*Date of pest sighting:
*Name of pest that you are reporting :
*Description :
(Plant: size, flower color / scent / orientation, foliage color / scent / orientation, fruit color / scent / orientation, habitat found in; Insect/animal: size, color, plant / host found on or nearby, habitat)
*Island Please choose an island before entering an address.
*Location :
(Street address, cross streets, mile marker, place name)

Comments :
Photo Upload:
Images are extremely helpful in assessing your report.

You may also email your Hawaii Early Detection Network pest report to reportapest administrator. Please include answers to the following report questions (PDF).

Have a cameraphone? Send your pest image to grows96what@photos.flickr.com. Make sure to let us know what your image is called in the online report form comments field and to include the report tracking number in the cameraphone message. Need help with this feature?

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