  ADNS : Animal Disease Notification Systemslide

What is ADNS ?

Animal disease information from Member States

Detailed information on each outbreak in a Member State of an infectious disease in animals, listed in Annex I of Council Directive 82/894/EC, is sent by the Member States to the European Commission via the Animal Disease Notification System (ADNS).

A summary *  of the number of outbreaks and the date of the last outbreak notified to the European Union is given in a table for the current year. It is updated on a regular basis. Overviews for the previous years can be found in the following page.

Annual reports have been prepared showing the disease situation in different years:

* Disclaimer : The table and maps only reflects the situation as notified by the countries on the list

Avian influenza

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 cases in wild birds in the Member States reported to the Animal Disease Information System (ADNS).

Maps for HPAI H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and positive cases wild birds in the Member States reported to ADNS:

Low pathogenic avian influenza

Guidance on reporting of the occurrence of the disease in other captive birds is provided for in this document.

Newcastle disease

Guidance on reporting of the detection of the Newcastle disease virus in pigeons or birds kept in captivity is provided for in the document mentioned under the above section on low pathogenic avian influenza.


The outbreaks of bluetongue that have been notified by the Member States are indicated in the following maps:

More information on bluetongue outbreaks as sent to the ADNS system by the Member States can be found on the BlueTongue NET work application.
More information on bluetongue can be found on the DG Health and Consumers webpages on bluetongue.

ADNS working group meetings

Working group meeting on ADNS and the EU-BTNET system, held in Brussels on 23 January 2008

Presentations given during the meeting:



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Last Update : 20-12-2011