
European Red List

sr_amph_europe_275x184IUCN and the European Commission have been working together on an initiative to assess around 6,000 European species according to IUCN regional Red Listing Guidelines.

To date, European regional assessments have been completed for all mammals, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, dragonflies, freshwater fishes and freshwater molluscs as well as for selected saproxylic beetles (i.e. beetles dependant on decaying wood), terrestrial molluscs, and vascular plant species. Assessments of pollinators (bees and bumblebees) and medicinal plants will follow in 2012 and beyond.

Individual species assessments can be searched and consulted on this website through the search function above (Under the "European Initiative search").

Results and analysis, such as number of threatened species, species richness maps or major threats, as well as background information, are displayed on the European Red List website of the European Commission.

An overview factsheet of all the groups assessed until September 2011 can be found here. This factsheet includes an updated way of calculating the percentage of threat within a taxonomic group and makes the European Red List results comparable to the global Red List.


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