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Central Appalachian Plateau
Central Sierra Nevada
Northern Rocky Mountains
Southeastern Piedmont
Southern Sierra Nevada

FFS Study Sites

The network consists of 12 main sites and 1 satellite site (which has less than the full suite of core treatments):

  1. NORTHEASTERN CASCADES, north-central Washington, Wenatchee National Forest.
  2. BLUE MOUNTAINS, Blue Mountains of northeast Oregon, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.
  3. NORTHERN ROCKY MOUTAINS, University of Montana, northern Rockies, western Montana.
  4. SOUTHERN CASCADES, northern California, Klamath National Forest.
  5. CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA Research Station, University of California-Berkeley, central Sierra Nevada, California.
  6. SOUTHERN SIERRA NEVADA, southern Sierra Nevada, California (satellite to Blodgett Forest Research Station site).
  7. SOUTHWESTERN PLATEAU, Coconino and Kaibab National Forests, northern Arizona.
  8. SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS, Santa Fe National Forest, northern New Mexico.
  9. CENTRAL APPALACHIAN PLATEAU, lands managed by the Ohio Division of Forestry and Mead Paper Corporation.
  10. SOUTHEASTERN PIEDMONT, Clemson Experimental Forest, northwestern South Carolina.
  11. FLORIDA COASTAL PLAIN, Myakka River State Park, southwest Florida.
  12. GULF COASTAL PLAIN, Solon Dixon

All of these initial sites represent forests with a historically short-interval, low- to moderate-severity fire regime. Eight sites are in western coniferous forests, ranging from the Pacific Northwest to the Southwest. These sites share the fact that ponderosa pine is an important tree component, but sites vary in composition of other conifers and differ substantially in topographic and soil parameters. Two sites are in the southeastern U.S.--one in the Piedmont and one on the Coastal Plain--and are dominated by mixtures of southern pines with hardwood understories. Rounding out the network is a site in the midwestern oak-hickory type of Ohio. Collectively, these sites comprise a network that is truly national in scope. Depending on the level of interest and support available, future sites in the same or other fire regimes may be added to the network.

Collaborative Studies

The robust experimental design of the Fire and Fire Surrogate study is often ideal for collaborative studies that other scientists may have in mind. As such, we encourage others to work with us in expanding our project to other subject areas. For example, the Fire and Fire Surrogate study currently supports collaborative studies on canopy fuel loading, the American fisher, and the Indiana bat, among others. While funded independently, each of these projects benefits through an existing experimental framework that includes replicated treatments, random selection of experimental units of a minimum size, and reliable agreements with local managers to insure the maintenance of site conditions through time. If you have a project that may be suitable for collaborating with one or more FFS sites, please contact the appropriate site manager, or the FFS project coordinator.

Southern Appalachian Mountains, North Carolina Gulf Coastal Plain, Alabama Southern Coastal Plain, Florida Southeastern Piedmont, South Carolina Ohio Hill Country, Ohio Jemez Mountains, New Mexico Southwest Plateau, Arizona Sequoia National Park, California Blodgett Forest, California Southern Cascades, California Lubrecht Forest, Montana Hungry Bob, Oregon Mission Creek, Washington