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  • Play NY Ink
    Ami Vs. Chris

    NY Ink

    Ami is willing to give Chris another chance. Will Chris take it or will things spiral out of control?
  • Play Toddlers & Tiaras
    Lil' Lady Gaga

    Toddlers & Tiaras

    8-year-old Laci transforms into Lady Gaga and delivers a surprising routine.
  • Play Extreme Couponing All-Stars
    The Couponator is Back!

    Extreme Couponing All-Stars

    Connecticut's self-proclaimed "Couponator," Judy preps for the couponing challenge in a unique way.
  • Play Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta
    Dad Doesn't Do Pink

    Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta

    Lauren's in love with an over-the-top pink ballgown. But her father wants something more traditional. Now, it's up to Lori to please both parties.
  • Play All-American Muslim
    Leaving Dearborn?

    All-American Muslim

    Suehaila contemplates leaving Dearborn for Washington, DC.
  • Play Hoarding: Buried Alive
    Extreme Roach Infestation

    Hoarding: Buried Alive

    Sherry's extreme hoarding has turned her entire home into a haven for roaches.
  • Play Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta
    Karina Smirnoff

    Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta

    Dancing with the Stars' Karina is looking for a dress at Bridals by Lori
  • Play A Conception Story
    Another Two-Week Wait

    A Conception Story

    A exclusive! Vicki and Tom have undergone lots of testing and everything seems to be normal with them. Now, they have another two-week wait before they can find out if Vicki is pregnant.
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OMG Wedding Moments
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