Distribution & Abundance of the King Rail

Population distribution and abundance are interrelated aspects of the ecology of species and are fundamental parameters needed for their conservation. Distribution is given by the occurrence and spatial arrangement of individuals of a species within a geographic area, and it is primarily determined by the presence or absence of suitable habitat conditions. Abundance refers to the numbers of individuals of a species occurring within a geographic area at a given point in time. Population distribution and abundance can be examined over various spatial (e.g. local, regional, global) and temporal scales (e.g. daily, seasonal, annual), and often fluctuate over time and space. A variety of methods are used to estimate and assess population distribution and abundance, and results can vary depending on the method used. The information resources on King Rail in this web page reflect these various approaches.

SOURCE: Ricklefs, R.E. 1990. Ecology (3rd Edition). W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.

Resources on the Distribution & Abundance of the King Rail
Showing 27 Results
CollapseAll About Birds: King Rail (Rallus elegans)
Description: This species account of the King Rail includes information about this bird's distribution and abundance, appearance, behavior, habitat, sounds, life history, and conservation status. Range maps are included.
Resource Type: Life Histories and Species Profiles
Resource Format: URL
Publisher: Cornell Lab of Ornithology
ExpandAre King Rails Hiding in Your Marsh?
ExpandAudubon Watchlist - King Rail
ExpandBest Management Practices: King Rail
ExpandBirds of North America Online: King Rail
ExpandFlorida Breeding Bird Distributions
ExpandFlorida's Breeding Bird Atlas: King Rail
ExpandFlorida's Breeding Bird Atlas: Species Distribution Maps
ExpandForest and Rangeland Birds of the United States: King Rail
ExpandGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility data portal: Rallus elegans
ExpandKansas Bird Species County Maps
ExpandKing Rail (Rallus elegans) in Michigan
ExpandKing Rail Breeding Bird Survey Summer Distribution Map, 1994 - 2003
ExpandKing Rail Breeding Bird Survey Trend Map, 1966 - 2003
ExpandKing Rails: More often heard than seen, but recently heard and seen much less in Missouri
ExpandMichigan Natural Features Inventory: Rallus elegans (King Rail)
ExpandMinnesota Ornithologists' Union Species Range Maps
ExpandMissouri Breeding Bird Atlas: King Rail (Rallus elegans)
ExpandPennsylvania Game Commission Endangered Species: King Rail
ExpandSouth Carolina Breeding Bird Atlas
ExpandSpecies At Risk: King Rail
ExpandSurvey of Breeding Secretive Marsh Birds in the Delta Region of Arkansas, Progress Report: 2005
ExpandWaterbird Species Conservation Status Assessment: King Rail (Rallus elegans)
ExpandWetland Birds of the Northern Great Plains
ExpandWildlife in Connecticut: King Rail
ExpandWisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas: King Rail
ExpandWorld Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species: Rallus elegans
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