
Taxonomy: Classifying Organisms in the Pacific Basin

Bishop Museum / PBIN Biological Names and Specimen Search Service - Search the museum's taxonomic authority database to retrieve species level information, including access to the 4 million specimens from the Hawaii Biological Survey collections for plants, mammals, fish, insects, and snails.

PBIN Taxonomic Service Screenshot
PBIN / Bishop Museum Taxonomic Service. Image: PBIN

What is taxonomy?

Taxonomy is the branch of science that focuses on the classification of living things. At the heart of this endeavor is nomenclature; that is, the scientific names that are applied to groups of living things. A Swedish naturalist named Carl Linnaeus devised a hierarchical system for assigning latinized names to organisms. More information!

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Program of the U.S. Geological Survey
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