Land Ownership in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Land Ownership in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
[Todd Kipfer, Mountain Prairie Information Node]

Click on the image to open a land ownership map.

Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Greater Yellowstone refers to an enormous core of protected federal lands and private lands in three states including and surrounding Yellowstone National Park. This region is home to a rich variety of flora and fauna such as the Trumpeter Swan, Grizzly Bear, Gray Wolf, Bison, and Whitebark Pine. Fish and wildlife managers in this area also face threats from brucellosis and whirling disease.

Go to these resources focused on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem:

UGSG logo The USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) is a key partner in the Greater Yellowstone region of Mountain Prairie because the center conducts research on natural resources in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho. Much of this research takes place in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Projects include black bear demography, habitat modeling, amphibian surveys, bison management, plant ecology, and more.

Managing the Greater Yellowstone

GYCC logo

The Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee (GYCC) was formed to allow representatives from the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to pursue opportunities of mutual cooperation and coordination in the management of core federal lands in the Greater Yellowstone area. Go to the official GYCC website for information about the committee, their accomplishments, maps, and related resources.

Animals and Plants of the Greater Yellowstone
Showing 10 of 19 ( Show All )
CollapseBear Ecology in the Greater Yellowstone and Greater Glacier Ecosystems
Description: This site describes current research on grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone and Greater Glacier Ecosystems. In Glacier National Park, grizzly bears are studied using DNA taken from hair samples that were collected in the field. Researchers in Greater Yellowstone study bear-human interactions, current distributions, bear nutrition, use of whitebark pine, and other features of grizzly bear populations. Reports, publications, and remote camera photographs are available.
Resource Type: Life Histories and Species Profiles
Resource Format: URL
Publisher: United States Geological Survey Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
ExpandBison in Yellowstone
ExpandCoefficients of Productivity for Yellowstone's Grizzly Bear Habitat
ExpandFinal Conservation Strategy for the Grizzly Bear in the Greater Yellowstone Area
ExpandGreater Yellowstone Area Bison Brucellosis Information
ExpandGrizzly Bear Management Plan for Southwestern Montana 2002-2012 and Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
ExpandGrizzly Bear Recovery in the Yellowstone Ecosystem
ExpandPallid Sturgeon Recovery Plan
ExpandRanchland Dynamics in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: A Report to Yellowstone Heritage
ExpandRocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2001 Annual Report
Greater Yellowstone Resources for Teachers
Showing 8 Results
CollapseBison, Brucella, and DNA: Research in Greater Yellowstone
Description: This site is an "interactive problem-based learning site which challenges students and scientists to explore the questions: What are the dangers associated with Brucella infection in humans, domestic animals, and wildlife? and Can domestic cattle be protected from Brucellosis without killing the resident bison in the Greater Yellowstone Area?"
Resource Type: K-12 Curriculum and Lesson Plans
Resource Format: URL
Publisher: Central Virginia Governor's School for Science and Technology
ExpandGo With The Flow
ExpandPBS Online: Yellowstone Food Web Teacher Resources
ExpandTeacher Planning Information for Yellowstone's Trumpeter Swans Electronic Field Trip
ExpandWe're in Hot Water Now: Hydrothermal Vents
ExpandWindows Into Wonderland
ExpandYellowstone Fires - Exploring the Environment
ExpandYellowstone National Park for Kids
Resources about the Greater Yellowstone
Showing 15 of 25 ( Show All )

Species Spotlight

Whitebark Pine Tree
[Photo: Big Sky Institute]

Whitebark Pine
Pinus albicaulis

Description: Whitebark pine is considered a keystone species in subalpine ecosystems because the survival of a large number of other species depends on its existence. It provides many ecosystem services: controlling runoff and erosion, influencing regeneration and succession, and providing a valuable food source.

Life History: Like most conifers, whitebark pine has wind-dispersed pollen. Seeds are dispersed by animals and birds, primarily the Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana). The nutcracker has a mutualistic relationship with whitebark pine, and it relies on seeds from the tree as its primary food source.

Habitat: High-elevation, exposed sites near timberline

Distribution: Western United States and Canada

Status: In demise across their distribution due to fire suppression, mountain pine beetles, and an introduced blister rust


  • Learn more about whitebark pine and monitoring efforts in Greater Yellowstone.

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