West-wide Energy Corridors on Public Lands

Electric towers at sunset [Photo: Warren Gretz, NREL]
Electric towers at sunset
[Photo: Warren Gretz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Photographic Information eXchange Collection]

The U.S. Department of Energy, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Department of Defense prepared a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) to evaluate issues associated with the designation of energy corridors on federal lands in eleven Western states. The Draft PEIS was issued in Fall 2007 and the Final West-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS was made available in Fall 2008.

Visit the West-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS Information Center for more information about the PEIS, Record of Decision, and Final PEIS maps of energy corridors. To find out about potential designation of energy corridors in 37 eastern states, and in Hawaii and Alaska, visit the East-wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS Information Center.

Regional Themes

The Mountain Prairie region is composed of a diverse set of ecosystems, ranging from the grasslands of the Great Plains, to the wetlands of the Prairie Pothole region, to the mountains and forests of the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Rockies.

These ecosystems are all affected to some degree by these ecological topics:

Smokestack Carbon Sequestration
The recapture and storage of carbon dioxide could help mitigate climate change.
Globe, R.B. Husar, Washington University Climate
Climate is a driving force behind many ecological processes, and a changing climate could significantly affect species and ecosystems of this region.
Fire, US Forest Service Fire
Wildland fire plays an important role in shaping the ecosystems of the Mountain Prairie region.
Leafy Spurge, USDA APHIS Invasive Species
Invasive species can displace native plants and animals, often with devastating effects.
Flowing Stream USFWS Water and Drought
Water is an essential resource that supports plant, animal, and human communities across the region.
Myxospores Wildlife Disease
Diseases such as brucellosis and whirling disease have regionally-important effects on both ecosystems and economies.

Mountain Prairie
Regional Ecosystems

MPIN regional ecosystems
Regional Ecosystems
[Image: Aaron Jones, Big Sky Institute]

The Mountain Prairie region is made up of four major ecosystems, but Bailey describes eight ecoregions in the six Mountain Prairie states. Learn more about these regional ecosystems.

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