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All Trails Celebration to highlight new multi-use corridor

Published on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:12 am | Last updated on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:12 am

RANGELEY — Summer is here and it’s time to get outdoors and enjoy the many great trails of the High Peaks and Rangeley Lakes region. As a special event this year, the High Peaks Alliance is hosting an All Trails Celebration in Rangeley the weekend of June 25 and 26. The term “All Trails” recognizes the broad variety of trails and how they are used in the High Peaks and Rangeley Lakes region.

The celebration will kick off Saturday with a dedication of the state’s newest multi-use trail corridor, the “West Saddleback Connector.” The dedication ceremony will feature United States Sen. Susan Collins and Maine Conservation Commissioner Bill Beardsley. Dedication participants will include the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, ATV-Maine and the local trail groups who worked to create the trail. A public reception will follow the ceremony. In addition, all the latest information on High Peaks and Rangeley Lakes area trails will be available, with trail guides on hand to answer questions and make suggestions for your next trail adventure. These events will be held June 25 at the classic Country Club Inn (off Route 4 via Mingo Springs or Proctor roads) beginning at 1 p.m. The ceremony will take place from 2 to 3:15 p.m.

On both Saturday and Sunday, area trail club guides will provide group walks, hikes, ATV rides, bike rides and paddling on nearby land and water trails. Scheduled guided hiking and ATV tours of the new West Saddleback Connector will be offered. Those interested in participating should sign up Saturday for these tours, as space will be limited.

Rangeley is a gateway to many of the best backcountry trails in Maine, including the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, the new Moose Loop ATV Trail System, the unique Northern Forest Canoe Trail, the Fly Rod Crosby Trail, local walking paths and many more. For more information about trail activities, visit

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