Research Collections Database

The Research Collections Database allows the user to view all of the biological collections available within the CSWGCIN region. The database includes a description of the collection including the format of the collection and the institution that manages it, as well as providing a link to the collection's webpage.


Pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis) [Image courtesy of Larry Allain, USDA-NRCS Plants Database]
Pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis) [Image courtesy of Larry Allain, USDA-NRCS Plants Database]

Green plants, such as trees and grass, are organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae, while molds, lichens, and mushrooms belong to the kingdom Fungi. Members of the plant and fungal kindoms are of economic and ecological importance to the Central Southwest and Gulf Coast region. Plants transform solar energy into usable products and generate oxygen as a product of photosynthesis. Fungi mediate critical biological and ecological processes including the breakdown of organic matter and recycling of nutrients. They also play important roles in mutualistic associations with plants and animals. Some fungi produce commercially valuable substances such as antibiotics and ethanol, while others are pathogenic and cause damage to crops and forest trees. Because plants and fungi play such fundamental roles in our lives, it is important to learn more about them.

For an overview on plants and fungi, see Plantsin Our Living Resources: A Report to the Nation on the Distribution, Abundance, and Health of U.S. Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems. Below are additional resources and information from the NBII Catalog pertaining to plants in the Central Southwest/Gulf Coast region. Searches can be narrowed to a particular state by typing the state's name into the search box.

Plant Resources
Showing 5 of 77 ( Show All )
Herbaria Resources
Showing 5 of 47 ( Show All )

Species Spotlight: Blackberry

Big Thicket Association (


Description: A perennial, semi-deciduous, prickly, almost erect shrub. The stems are sprawling and arching, arising from a woody crown. Forms thickets several meters high. The root/crown system is the only perennial part of the plant. Berry is 1-3 cm and changes color from green to red to black as it ripens; each berry an aggregate of many single-seeded juicy segments (drupelets).

Life History: All of these species, except Rubus ulmifolius, produce seed asexually in a process by which pollen stimulates the seed to develop without fertilisation, so that the seed is a genetic replicate, or clone, of the mother plant. . Reproduces by seed and root suckers and by daughter plants when stem tips contact the soil.

Habitat: Blackberry can be found in areas with greater than 760 mm annual rainfall, mainly on fertile soils.



Virginia Tech Department of Forestry

State of Victoria

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