
Sheepshead (Archosargus probactocephalus)
Sheepshead (Archosargus probactocephalus) [Image courtesy of Wayne Davis, EPA]

Fish are aquatic vertebrates that breathe through gills. Most fish have fins and are covered with scales. Fish are a diverse group and are found in a range of sizes, shapes, patterns, and colors. Fish may be herbivorous, carnivorous, or omnivorous. They live in all types of aquatic environments, from fresh to salt water, and at a range of depths.


Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plans (CWCS) were developed by each state and include lists of freshwater and marine fish considered to be of Greatest Conservation Need (GCN). For more information, visit the State Wildlife Action Plans and choose your state from the drop-down menu. To find out which fish species live in the Central Southwest and Gulf Coast area, search the Fish Explorer database.


Below are additional resources and information from the NBII Catalog pertaining to fish in the Central Southwest/Gulf Coast region. Searches can be limited to a particular state by typing the state's name into the search box.

Fish Resources
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