Supported Projects of the Pacific Northwest Information Node

The Pacific Northwest Information Node (PNWIN) provides access to information and services relevant to ecological resources in the Pacific Northwest. Over the years, the Node has provided financial and technical support to projects that increase timely availability of regionally important datasets, consolidate dispersed data and information into common data structures and formats, and provide tools/applications that enhance exploration and understanding of data by users. More information about these projects can be found by using the links below, or by visiting the PNWIN Live Maps and Data page.

Supported Projects:
Legacy Projects:
  • Cutthroat Trout Database, a database containing hundreds of literature references for this imperiled trout species.
  • Tree Ecophysiology, a species- and location-specific database of ecophysiological variables used in modeling forested ecosystems of the Western US.
  • Tree Ring Database, containing time series data of radial growth from tree ring research conducted in Oregon and Washington.

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Program of the U.S. Geological Survey
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