Come visit the Duke Lemur Center. Tours available all year by appointment. Please call 919-401-7240.

Brown Lemur

This is the only one of the six brown lemur subspecies in which males and females do not show different coloration. There are two main populations of this lemur, one in eastern Madagascar, the other in the northwest. In the east it occurs to the north of the Mangoro River and in the west, it is found north of the Betsiboka River. A population has also been introduced onto the island of Mayotte in the Comoros. Like all brown lemurs this subspecies can vary its diet dramatically over the course of the year, depending on the availability of fruit and new leaves. It occupies rainforest, moist montane forest and dry deciduous forest. The common brown lemur is relatively abundant and is found in at least eight protected areas in Madagascar.

Fact Sheet

Order: Primates; Suborder: Prosimii

Family: Lemuridae; Genus: Eulemur

Species: fulvus; Subspecies: fulvus

Related Forms

There are currently five subspecies of brown lemur housed at the Duke Lemur Center: the common brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus fulvus), the white-fronted lemur (Eulemur fulvus albifrons), the collared lemur (Eulemur fulvus collaris), the red-fronted lemur (Eulemur fulvus rufus), and the sanford’s lemur (Eulemur fulvus sanfordi). All subspecies of brown lemur can interbreed, but geographical isolation of subspecies in the wild prevents interbreeding. All brown lemurs are similar in body size and life history but have different coat markings and coloration.

Key Facts

Adult Size : 4.4 – 5.3 pounds

Social life : Sociable, permanent groups of 3 – 12 animals, but groups as large as 29 have been reported

Habitat : northwestern dry deciduous forest

Diet : mostly fruit, young leaves and flowers

Lifespan : 20 – 25 years in the wild

Sexual maturity : 1 year

Mating : very seasonal June – July

Gestation : approximately 126 days, infants are born between September and November

Number of young : one per year

DLC Naming theme :   Norse names (Frigga and Alberich)

Malagasy names : Varika, Varikosy, Dredrika

Interesting Facts

  • Because of its preference for fruit and certain leaves, the common brown lemur ingests large quantities of plant chemical defenses in routine feeding.
  • Male and female common brown lemurs are almost identical in size and color.

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