Junior Secondary School Activities

Curriculum links Crane fly

Science Curriculum Levels 3-4: Living World

Students are working at levels 3-4 of the Curriculum when they can classify their insects into species, and also group species into insect families (for example: hymenoptera or bees/wasps, diptera or flies, coleoptera or beetles, and lepidoptera or butterflies and moths).

Science Curriculum Level 5: Living World

Students are working at level 5 of the Curriculum when they can explain insect visitor patterns at a species of flower in terms of 'attractiveness'. The link that needs to be made is that insects need the nectar and/or pollen for food, while the plants need pollen carried from the anther to the stigma. The discussion of the investigation should mention the interdependence that exists in terms of advantages to flowers and insect OR the tradeoffs involved in ensuring resources are not wasted (eg. minimising nectar production while still achieving pollination, or not having to travel too far to get good food).

Floral visitor survey

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