NEW Penn State Center for Pollinator Research and Two Year Graduate Fellowship in Honey Bee Health!

Penn State University is pleased to announce the formation of the new Center for Pollinator Research. As an inaugural event, they are hosting the first International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy at Penn State on July 24-28, 2010. Furthermore, they have received generous funding from the O'Keeffe Foundation to support a two year graduate fellowship in honey bee health. Click here for more information...

Taking the Pulse of our Planet: Volunteers Needed to Track Seasonal Signs of Climate Change

Released: 3/2/2009 12:00:00 PM

Volunteers across the nation are being recruited to get outdoors and help track the effects of climate on seasonal changes in plant and animal behavior.

The USA-National Phenology Network (USA-NPN), a consortium of government, academic and citizen-scientists, is launching a new national program built on volunteer observations of flowering, fruiting and other seasonal events. Scientists and resource managers will use these observations to track effects of climate change on the Earth's life-support systems.

"This program is designed for people interested in participating in climate change science, not just reading about it," said USA-NPN Executive Director and U.S. Geological Survey scientist Jake Weltzin. "We encourage everyone to visit the USA National Phenology Network Web site and then go outside and observe the marvelous cycles of plant and animal life."


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