Vascular Plants as Biofuels

Biofuel crops [Photo: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Image Library]
Biofuel crops [Photo: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Image Library]

The following traits make certain vascular plants good for potential development as biofuels, but it is important to note that they have overlap with traits known to contribute to invasiveness (indicated with a *). The decision to use plants as biofuels should carefully consider the pros and cons of each candidate species and anticipate any potential for the threat it poses as an invasive species.

  • *C4 photosynthesis. This refers to the use of a 4-carbon rather than a 3-carbon compound in photosynthesis. C4 plants are better adapted to arid conditions because they use water more efficiently.
  • *Long canopy duration
  • Perennial
  • *No known pests or diseases
  • *Rapid growth in spring (to outcompete weeds)
  • *Partitions nutrients to below-ground components in the fall
  • Sterility

For more information on biofuels and invasive plants, visit NBII's Invasive Species Information Node.

Biofuels and Invasive Species in Hawaii

Hawaii from space [Image: NASA]
Hawaii from space
[Image: NASA]

Although renewable energy researchers are motivated to discover and produce crops to be grown as biofuels, certain plants grown for biofuels present risks as an invasive species. In Hawaii, USA, concern for biofuels that may also become invasive species are of special concern because islands rich in biodiversity are even more susceptible to the catastrophic effects of invasive species. In a recent report, researchers in Hawaii used a weed risk assessment tool to identify certain biofuel crops suitable for a subtropical island ecosystem and determined that they were nearly three times as likely to become invasive as other species not intended to be grown as biofuels.

Source: Buddenhagen et al, 2009.

Invasive Species

Invasive Species [Photo: John and Karen Hollingsworth, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]
[Photo: John and Karen Hollingsworth, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

Invasive species can have tremendous negative effects on local ecosystems, can be hard to control or eradicate, and can outcompete native plants for water, sunlight, and nutrients. When this happens, native forage decreases, biodiversity decreases, and ecosystem functions and processes are altered. Invasive species have the potential to become a factor in the development of renewable energy sources in several ways:

Many crops that are produced or proposed for cultivation for biofuel production in the United States have one or more invasive characteristics including: C4 photosynthesis, long canopy duration, no known pests or diseases, rapid growth in spring, nutrient partition to belowground components in the fall, and high water-use efficiency. Although biofuels provide an alternative to fossil fuels, there is concern over the potential environmental and economic impact of intentionally cultivating crops with such characteristics.

With geothermal, solar, and wind energy development, the disturbed ground caused by the construction of access roads and infrastructure is highly susceptible to the establishment of invasive species.

Biofuels and Invasive Plants

Stand of Giant reed. James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service,
Stand of Giant reed. James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service,

Plants used in the production of biofuels are evolving from food sources to grass and reed sources. This change has the potential of having a negative impact on the environment. Potential grass and reed biofuels were chosen because of their weed-like characteristics. They do not need to be planted every season, can grow in difficult climates and can produce as much as 40 times the amount of biofuel as for example, a corn crop of the same size.

The decision to use first or second generation biofuels can be a difficult one in which the pros and cons of each candidate species are examined. Should you take space away from food production to grow biofuels or should you plant a potentially invasive species to produce more fuel?

Biofuel Reports:

* Biofuel Crops and the Use of Non-Native Species: Mitigating the Risks of Invasion, Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) (May 2008). [pdf]
* Adding Biofuels to the Invasive Species Fire? S. Raghu et al. (2006) Science 313:1742 [pdf]
* The Weedy Truth about Biofuels. Tim Low and Carol Booth. (2007). Invasive Species Council, Australia. [pdf]
* Biofuels and Invasive Species: Exploring the links between biofuel production systems and invasive species. A background paper prepared for the IUCN workshop on Biofuels and Invasive Species (2009). [pdf]

Biofuels and Invasive Species
Showing 12 Results
CollapseAdding Biofuels to the Invasive Species Fire
Description: "Biofuel crops, particularly using non-native species, must be introduces with an understanding of possible risks to the environment."
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Resource Format: URL
Publisher: AAAS
ExpandAdding Biofuels to the Invasive Species Fire?
ExpandAssessing Biofuel Crop Invasiveness: A Case Study
ExpandBiofuels and Invasive Species: Exploring the links between biofuel production systems and invasive species
ExpandBiofuels Digest. The world's most widely read biofuels daily.
ExpandBiofuels Run the Risk of Becoming Invasive Species
ExpandFlorida Native Plant Society Policy Statement on Arundo Donax
ExpandHistorical Perspective on How and Why Switchgrass was Selected as a “Model” High-Potential Energy Crop
ExpandProduction of Giant Reedgrass for Biofuel
ExpandU.S. Department of Agriculture Report to the Invasive Species Advisory Council
ExpandUnregulated Biofuel Crops Pose Invasive Pest Risk
ExpandWeedy Truth About Biofuels

Arundo donax as a Biofuel

A flower head of Arundo donax. Photo credit: USDA.
A flower head of Arundo donax. Photo credit: USDA.

Giant reed ( Arundo donax ) is a tall perennial cane that grows in damp soils; it is known by many names including Carrizo, Spanish cane, wild cane giant reed and Arundo. It is native to eastern Asia but can grow in California, the Mediterrean and Caribbean. Arundo can grow up to 10 meters, and consumes large amounts of water. Arundo grows in dense groups crowding out other native plants. Arundo is a potential second generation biofuel, because of its fast growth, it is essentially sterile, and can potentially produce more fuel than first generation biofuels.

Arundo donax Fact sheet or species profile (Fire Effects Information System, US Forest Service

Florida Native Plant Society Policy Statement on Arundo donax [pdf]

Production of Giant Reedgrass for Biofuel (Univ. FL, IFAS)

General Invasive Species Information

cartoon of the words 'Invasive Species' being overgrown by Kudzu vine

With enormous environmental, economic, and health costs, invasive species are second only to habitat destruction as a cause of global biodiversity loss.

Learn more about invasive plants, animals, and diseases at the Invasive Species Node and at

Switchgrass as a Biofuel

Switchgrass plot [Photo: Natural Resources Conservation Service]
Switchgrass plot
[Photo: Natural Resources Conservation Service]

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is a perennial plant with a widespread distribution in North America. It has recently been identified as a crop that can be efficiently produced as a biofuel, because it grows quickly, has high nutrient efficiency, and requires little water for cultivation. In some states, it is considered a native plant species, but in others, it is considered non-native and can become weedy or invasive if not properly managed.

It has also been shown that switchgrass plots support nearly as many species of birds as native prairie areas, and more insect diversity than monocultures of corn. Although switchgrass is usually planted as a monoculture, it has been suggested through research that by planting a mixed grass community of switchgrasses, the positive biodiversity outcomes can be even further increased.

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