Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
Joint Ventures are self-directed partnerships of agencies, organizations, corporations, tribes, or individuals that conserve habitat for priority bird species, other wildlife, and people.

Joint Vernture Map Pacific Coast Pacific Coast San francisco Bay Central Valley Sonoran Intermountain West Prairie Pothole Northern Great Plains Playa Lakes Rio Grande Rainwater Basin Oaks and Prairie Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Central Hardwoods Central Hardwoods Lower Mississippi Gulf Coast East Gulf Coast Appalachian Mountains Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast

What is a Joint Venture?
A Joint Venture (JV) is a collaborative, regional partnership of government agencies, non-profit organizations, corporations, tribes, and individuals that conserves habitat for priority bird species, other wildlife, and people.

Joint Ventures bring these diverse partners together under the guidance of national and international bird conservation plans to design and implement landscape-scale conservation efforts.

Conservation in Action
Joint Ventures have been widely accepted as the model for collaborative conservation in the 21st century. They use state of the art science to ensure that a diversity of habitats is available to sustain migratory bird populations for the benefit of those species, other wildlife, and the public. JV actions include:
biological planning, conservation design, and prioritization;
project development and implementation;
monitoring, evaluation, and research;
communications, education, and outreach; and
funding support for projects and activities.

Partnerships That Work
Nationwide, 18 habitat-based JVs address the bird habitat conservation issues found within their geographic area. Additionally, three species-based Joint Ventures, all with an international scope, work to further the scientific understanding needed to effectively manage specific bird species.

JVs have a 25-year history of success in leveraging public and private resources to bring together partners and focus on regional conservation needs.

Since the first Joint Venture was established in 1987, JV partnerships have invested $5 billion to conserve 17.3 million acres of critical habitat.

Last updated: December 5, 2011