Legend for Realtime Conditions Maps

Colored dots on the maps at right depict streamflow conditions as a percentile computed from the period of record for the current day of the year. Only stations with at least 30 years of record are used.
[color code for] High
[color code for] > 90th percentile
[color code for] 75th - 89th percentile
[color code for] 25th - 74th percentile
[color code for] 10th - 24th percentile
[color code for] < 10th percentile
[color code for] Low
[color code for] Not ranked

G ray circles indicate other stations that were not ranked in percentiles either because they have fewer than 30 years of record or because they report parameters other than streamflow. Some stations, for example, measure stage only.

Source: USGS National Water Information System

Current Streamflow Data

The U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division provides real-time streamflow data for the nation through the WaterWatch program. The real-time data reflects current conditions over a short-term period of several hours and is gathered from streamgages at monitoring points along rivers and streams throughout the nation.

Based on current streamflow conditions, each mapped streamgage location is updated with a color reflecting current streamflow conditions as a percentile of daily streamflow expected for the time of the year. The expected streamflow is based on historic records from streamgages in place for at least 30 years. A percentile greater than 75 is considered above normal streamflow, a percentile between 25 and 75 is considered normal streamflow, and a percentile less than 25 is considered below normal streamflow. A legend at left described the color-coding system used to reflect the percentiles.

Real-time daily streamflow conditions maps are available from the USGS National Water Information System. The maps for Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi are presented below. Click the maps to access additional water information for the state from the USGS National Water Information System, including site information, surface water, ground water, and water quality. For realtime streamgage data for more states, visit http://water.usgs.gov/waterwatch/.

Current Streamflow Conditions Maps for Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi

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