AmphibiaWeb is an online system that provides access to information on amphibian declines, conservation, natural history, and taxonomy.

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Species of the Week:

Hyperolius riggenbachi hieroglyphicus
Amphibian News!
Happy New Year’s to all our users and contributors! As a community of amphibian enthusiasts, researchers and students, you have contributed almost 24,000 photos of 3,631 different amphibian species, and 2,810 species accounts out of the 6,909 total species of amphibians that we tally here at AmphibiaWeb. We sincerely thank you for all your contributions and for using AmphibiaWeb as your resource for information on amphibians, their biology, and their decline status. We look forward to an exciting 2012 with many new developments on tap, including updated taxonomy, new taxonomy tools, enhanced maps, and improving mobility with our iPhone app, which you can treat yourself to right now (download from iTunes). Stay in touch with AmphibiaWeb as we move forward into 2012!

Current number of amphibian species: 6,909 (Jan 9, 2012)