Featured Resources

Butterflies and Moths of North America

Butterflies and Moths of North America is an interactive, searchable, and updateable web-enabled database of butterfly and moth information. Data contained therein include distribution maps, species accounts, photographs, and checklists of species by U.S. county or by Mexican state. Go directly to the web site, or learn more about this project.

blue butterflyThe Children's Butterfly Site is an educational opportunity for all ages. Investigate a butterfly's transformation during metamorphosis, browse images of species from across the globe, or print coloring book pages. Learn all about these magnificent creatures by reading answers to the extensive frequently asked questions.

Butterflies of California

Image: Art Shapiro Butterfly Site
[Image: Art Shapiro Butterfly Site]

Butterflies are critical for California's ecosystems as indicators of environmental change and as pollinators for a wide variety of native and agricultural plants. Access to long-term butterfly data for many species from central California, such as the woodland skipper ( Ochlodes sylvanoides ), is available through the Art Shapiro Butterfly Site. The site displays more than 35 years of data collected by Dr. Shapiro from the University of California Davis, in his continuing effort to monitor butterfly population trends on a transect across central California. Fixed routes at ten sites have been surveyed at approximately two-week intervals since as early as 1972. The site contains numerous photographs, identification aides, and natural history information.

Current work on the project focuses on comprehensive analysis of ecological trends embedded in the data, enhancing data access, and adding queries, all publicly accessible. Also available are many of Dr. Shapiro's site images along with full descriptions.

The site was developed in collaboration with the Information Center for the Environment (ICE) at the University of California, Davis, with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the NBII.

Click here to visit the Art Shapiro Butterfly Site.

Learn About Butterflies

Spicebush Swallowtail
Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus)
[Copyright: Paul Opler]

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