
Join us at the holidays as we celebrate natural Ohio

Give a Green Gift

This holiday season give a meaningful gift to friends, family and nature. 

2011: Local Results

Enjoy Ohio’s top conservation success stories from 2011 – all set among the lands and waters you love!

The Comeback Kid

Nature is resilient.  Given the opportunity and a little help, it will fight its way back. 


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Dead Zones

Discover how our actions in Ohio can contribute to Dead Zones thousands of miles away. 

Big Darby Headwaters Nature Preserve

Take a virtual tour of Big Darby Headwaters Nature Preserve.

2010 Conservation Highlights

Take a virtual tour of our conservation highlights.

A 3rd Grader Explains Clean Water

Luca, the son of freshwater scientist Jeff Opperman, has a simple experiment to show nature's vital role in protecting Lake Erie's water quality.


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Ohio Conservation Headlines

Give Green
Give responsible, meaningful green gifts this holiday season
Legacy of Beauty
Created with help from the Conservancy, Hellbender Bluff Park recently opened to the public
Dr. M Sanjavan: All American Meal
Lead Scientist at The Nature Conservancy Dr. M Sanjayan tells us how the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving
Big Darby restoration project bringing life back to creek
Resilient creek showing new signs of life after major restoration project