
Need for Action- NPDN Funding is in Jeopardy

Funding for USDA's Food and Agriculture Defense Initiative (FADI), which supports the NPDN, is in jeopardy.  Congress is considering various cuts to FADI, including elimination of funding, which would result in termination of the NPDN.  It is important that the Senate and House members are made aware of the importance of FADI and the programs supported by it.

What You Can Do: Please contact your Senate (www.senate.gov) and House (www.house.gov) members immediately to convey your concern and support for the NPDN. You should also communicate with your institution’s government relations officers to engage their advocacy. Please urge them to oppose reductions in NPDN and FADI at the USDA. The APS Public Policy website (http://www.apsnet.org/members/outreach/ppb/Pages/NPDN.aspx) contains links and other information for contacting your members of congress. For additional information or help, contact any of the PPB board members or Kellye Eversole (Eversole@eversoleassociates.com). Additional information about the programs and impact of the NPDN can be found below.

For more background information and a sample letter please click here to see the NPDN white paper.


Information on the impact of the NPDN

Impact of the NPDN Fact Sheet 9-16-11

National Impact of the NPDN with Plant Inspection Information 9-16-11

NPDN PPV Case Study

NPDN Asian Soybean Rust Case Study

NPDN P. ramorum Case Study



Welcome to the National Plant Diagnostic Network Website

The NPDN was established in 2002 by legislative mandate in response to the need to enhance agricultural security through protection of the health and productivity of plants in agricultural and natural ecosystems in the U.S. With support from the USDA-NIFA and through the collective efforts of many individuals representing Land Grant Universities, federal agencies, state departments of agriculture, and other stakeholders, the NPDN has grown into an internationally respected consortium of plant diagnostic laboratories. The specific purpose of the NPDN is to provide a nationwide network of public agricultural institutions with a cohesive, distributed system to quickly detect high consequence pests and pathogens that have been introduced into agricultural and natural ecosystems, identify them, and immediately report them to appropriate responders and decision makers. To accomplish this mission, the NPDN has invested in plant diagnostic laboratory infrastructure and training, developed an extensive network of first detectors through education and outreach, and enhanced communication among agencies and stakeholders responsible for responding to and mitigating new outbreaks. I invite you to explore our website to learn more about the NPDN and our programs.

Richard Bostock, Executive Director, NPDN, University of California, Davis





This webpage was created to inform the general public of the existence of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) and to facilitate NPDN committee function, activities, and organization.

Information available to the general public resides on this home page. Additionally, each of the 5 regions has their own regional website that may contain regionally specific information. Regional websites can be accessed by selecting the regional acronym from the “NPDN Web Ring” box located on the left-hand side of this screen.

Questions about this program from the public should be directed to the following contacts:

1. Rick Bostock, Executive Director, NPDN, Director, WPDN, University of California, Davis

2. Kitty Cardwell, National Program Leader, National Institute of Food & Agriculture, USDA

3. Carrie Harmon, Secretary NPDN, University of Florida

For more information about accessibility of this web site click here.

Diagnostic Laboratories

Diagnostic Laboratories by State:

For multiple laboratory listings by state, please refer to each regional web site.

GPDN=Great Plains NCPDN=North Central NEPDN=Northeast SPDN=Southern WPDN=Western
Alabama (SPDN) Maine (NEPDN) Oregon (WPDN)
Alaska (WPDN) Maryland (NEPDN) Pennsylvania (NEPDN)
Arizona (WPDN) Massachusetts (NEPDN) Puerto Rico (SPDN)
Arkansas (SPDN) Michigan (NCPDN) Rhode Island (NEPDN)
California (WPDN) Minnesota(NCPDN) South Carolina (SPDN)
Colorado (GPDN) Mississippi (SPDN) South Dakota (GPDN)
Connecticut (NEPDN) Missouri (NCPDN) Tennessee (SPDN)
Delaware (NEPDN) Montana (GPDN) Texas (GPDN)
Florida (SPDN) Nebraska (GPDN) Texas (SPDN)
Georgia (SPDN) Nevada (WPDN) Utah (WPDN)
Hawaii (WPDN) New Hampshire (NEPDN) Vermont (NEPDN)
Idaho (WPDN) New Jersey (NEPDN) Virgin Islands - US (SPDN)
Illinois (NCPDN) New Mexico (WPDN) Virginia (SPDN)
Indiana (NCPDN) New York (NEPDN) Washington (WPDN)
Iowa (NCPDN) North Carolina (SPDN) West Virginia (NEPDN)
Kansas (GPDN) North Dakota (GPDN) Wisconsin (NCPDN)
Kentucky (SPDN) Ohio (NCPDN) Wyoming (GPDN)
Louisiana (SPDN) Oklahoma (GPDN)  
American Samoa (WPDN)    
Guam (WPDN)