Projects of the Invasive Species Information Node

This page provides access to projects of the Invasive Species Information Node and its partners.

The NBII's Invasive Species Information Node (ISIN) and its numerous partners are involved in many research projects to create the components of an Early Detection, Rapid Assessment and Rapid Response system for invasive species. They help us to understand, identify, document or report, monitor, predict, control invasive species and restore invaded habitats. These projects involve extensive data synthesis, literature reviews, original university and governmental research, and research conducted by other NBII nodes.

NISbase adds searchable projects

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NISbase has added an extra feature that allows users to search invasive species projects.  Partners include NOAA/Sea Grant and Smithsonian Environmental Research Center's Aquatic Invasions Research Directory (AIRD).

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Program of the U.S. Geological Survey
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