Identification and Validation Offline Resources

Some resources in the Identification and Validation component of the National EDRR Framework are not yet available on the Internet. These resources were reported by responders to the EDRR Needs Assessment Survey initiated in 2006.

Offline Resources

Product Name: National EDRR System for Invasive Plants
Contact Name: Randy Westbrooks
Description: The National EDRR System for Invasive Plant, which is based on the FICMNEW EDRR Conceptual Design Plan, includes a network of local, state, regional, and national invasive plant partner groups dedicated to weed prevention and a new biological protection ethic on the use and spread of exotic plants. An online EDRR Network Reporting System is currently being developed that will act as a clearinghouse for information on new invasive plants, and will serve as a coordinating mechanism for Phase 2 of the National EDRR Project for Invasive Plants (Development and Testing of EDRR System Elements and Processes). The following elements of the system are being developed by USGS BRD and partners (IPANE, MSU, etc.).

- Weed Alerts on New and Emerging Invaders
- Incentives for Reporting
- Volunteer Training Guidelines
- State and Regional Watch Lists
- Link to APHIS Agriculture Internet Monitoring System
- Global E-Commerce Monitoring System
- NAWMA Data Collection Standards
- Reporting Submission Form
- Links to Web-based ID Keys
- Protocols/Procedures for Submitting Specimens for ID Protocols/Procedures for Submitting Confirmed National and State Records to the PLANTS Database and other Partner Databases.
- Links to a System Partner Databases (e.g., PLANTS Database, IPANE, INVADERS, SWEMP, etc.)
- Ecological Assessment Guidelines
- Link to USGS National Institute of Invasive Species Science - Ecological Forecasting Service
Survey Responder: Randy Westbrooks Record# 2

Product Name: Taxonomic Consultation List
Provider: NOS-NCCOS
Contact Name: Karen Eason 
Description: The National Ocean Service is compiling a list of taxonomic experts for species identification, verification, and rapid assessment to be consulted when something unusual shows up.
Survey Responder: Dean Wilkinson Record# 6

Product Name: Hawaii Early Warning Pilot Program
Provider: NOS-NCCOS
Contact Name: Karen Eason
Description: The Hawaii Early warning system is a queryable database listing known occurrences of nonindigenous species by site so managers are able to determine if an occurrence is either a new species or a new introduction. When a new occurrence takes place, an assessment takes place and alerts are sent out to appropriate agencies. This is a pilot for an expanded early warning system. The second State will be Texas.
Survey Responder: Dean Wilkinson Record# 7

Product Name: Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment [online]
Provider: University of Hawaii
Contact Name: Curt Daehler
Narrative Description: Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment is a tool to assess potential invasiveness of plants introduced into Hawaii or Pacific Islands. About 500 species have been evaluated.
Survey Responder: Julie S. Denslow Record# 21

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