The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory

A center of excellence in ecosystem science since 1969.

The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory is an interdisciplinary ecology research and teaching unit at Colorado State University.  Our mission is to improve understanding of the complex interactions between humans, management activities, and ecosystems.

Greenhouse Gas Mitigation ProgarmGlobal Environmental Sustainability ProgramAnalytical Services Laboratory

Program for African EcosystemsRocky Mountain Environment ProgramUV-B Monitoring Research


NREL Fall 2011 Seminar Series

"The Integral Role of Water in Ecosystem Science and Sustainability"


Fall 2011 NREL Seminar Series: The Integral Role of Water in Ecosystem Science and Sustainability. Lectures will be 45 minutes, followed by questions, suggestions, and discussion.

Please note change in location:
Third Floor Conference Room A302 - A304
Natural and Environmental Sciences Building




Dr. F. Stuart Chapin III

The NREL Award of
Excellence in Ecosystem Science
to Dr. F. Stuart Chapin III
Institute of Arctic Biology
University of Alaska

Presentation by 2007 recipient Dr. Pamela Matson
Woods Institute for the Environment
Stanford University
Title: "Transitions to Sustainability in Agriculture:
Biogeochemistry meets Sustainability Science

November 1, 2011
3:30 - 4:30 PM
North Ballroom, Lory Student Center, CSU
Reception to follow in University Club

The campaign for Colorado State University

The Natural and Environmental Sciences Building