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  1. Anther: the male reproductive part of a flower. Contains pollen.
  2. Bee: an insect belonging to the superfamily Apoidea
  3. Brood: developing larvae, usually in social insects
  4. Cocoon: a pupa surrounded by a silk covering produced by the insect
  5. Colony: a group of social insects having a queen and workers
  6. Diapause: a hibernation like state in insects
  7. Drone: a reproductive male in social insects
  8. Flight Activity: in leafcutting bees, the amount of flying bees near the nests or shelter
  9. Gallon: 10,000 leafcutting bees
  10. Gregarious: living in groups but not forming a true social colony
  11. Hatch: emergence of adults insects
  12. Incubate: to maintain in an environment suitable for development or hatching. In leafcutting bees, cocoons with mature larvae are warmed after diapause to promote adult emergence.
  13. Larva: in insects, an immature form, not resembling the adult; pl. larvae
  14. Non-Apis bee: a bee not belonging to the genus Apis. A bee other than the Honeybee
  15. Oligolectic: foraging from a few species of flowers
  16. Parasitoid: an insect that feeds on or in another insect, and causes death in the host insect; one host is killed in the life of the parasitoid
  17. Pistil: the flower part that contains the ovules
  18. Pollen: the male gamete from a seed plant
  19. Pollen ball/Pollen mass: an unconsumed clump of pollen in a bee nest. Can be caused by lack of an egg laid, egg mortality, early larval mortality.
  20. Pollen bee: any bee other than the honeybee. See non-Apis bee.
  21. Pollenizer: a plant that is a source of pollen
  22. Pollination: the transfer of pollen from a stamen to a stigma
  23. Pollinator: an agent that causes pollen to be transfered from one flower to another
  24. Polylectic: foraging from many species of flowers
  25. Polyvoltine: having multiple generations in a year
  26. Predator: an animal (can be an insect) that feeds on other animals (also can be an insect) and consumes many prey in it's life
  27. Prepupa: a fully mature larva prior to becoming a pupa
  28. Pupa: a stage bewteen larva and adult; a resting stage, no feeding takes place; pl. pupae
  29. Queen: a female reproductive in social insects
  30. Social: insects that live in a organized groups and display a division of labor and overlapping generations
  31. Solitary: insects that do not display a divsion of labor and each individual is reproductive; non-social.
  32. Stamen: the flower part that produces the male gamete, consisting of a filament and an anther
  33. Stigma: part of the pistil that receives pollen, the female part of the flower Species
  34. Teneral: a newly emerged adult insect, with a soft integument
  35. Univoltine: having a single generation in a year
  36. Wasp: an insect of the order Hymenoptera, usually with a hard shiny body, usually with biting mouthparts, and a predatory or parasitic life style
  37. Worker: a non-reproductive female in social insects
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