Layer Name: Watershed Unit Boundary Polygons and Attributes Coverage Name: WTRSHDPY Layer Type: Polygon Status: Complete Geog. Extent: Islands of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe and Hawaii Projection: Universal Trans Mercator, Zone 4 (Meters) Datum: NAD83 Description: Watershed Unit Boundaries for the 8 major hawaiian islands, generated in Arc/Info and GRID using USGS DEM data. Source: GDSI, 1995 History: General: Most arcs were created automatically from digital elevation model (DEM) data of Arc/INFO GRID watershed commands as described in the report "State Definition and Delineation of Watersheds" submitted along with these coverages. Arcs which could not be automatically created were manually digitized either on-screen (for small arcs and those across nearly flat areas) or from paper topographic quadrangle maps 1:24,000 scale (for longer arcs). Coastline arcs were copied from the ALLCOAST coverage from the Office of State Planning. There is an arc attribute to identify the source of each arc. Automatic: Most arcs were created automatically from smoothed 1:24,000 scale DEMs from the USGS. After smoothing, these were considered to be about equal to 1:100,000 scale DEMs. Therefore, the arcs derived from them are similar to those that could be defined from 1:100,000 contour maps. However, for Big Island, this was only done for the northeast coast. The rest of the island was generated automatically from 1:250,000 scale DEMs from the USGS. Manual: Manual arcs were added where automatic boundaries crossed a stream (usually in the upper headwaters) and where topography became so flat that automatic delineation was not possible (usually along the lower coastal areas). Attributes: Polygons: AREA area of polygon (sq. meters) PERIMETER perimeter of polygon (meters) WSHDLN# Polygon internal number (for Arc/Info use) WSHDLN-ID Polygon ID (for Arc/Info use) HLUCODE Hydrologic Unit code as described by USGS COLON colon spacer : HGUCODE Hydrographic Unit code as described by USGS DASH dash spacer - HSACODE Hawaii Stream Assessment Mouth Code ** Note ** Hawaii Stream Assessment code for watershed units associated with perennial streams. For watershed units associated with intermittent streams, codes from the working files for the Hawaii Stream Assessment provided by Sallie Edmunds were used. For watershed units not associated with any stream coded by the Hawaii Stream Assessment, numbers were assigned uniquely within a hydrographic unit, starting at 99 and working down. It therefore easy to distinguish these watershed units. ** DOT dot spacer . SUBCODE Hawaii Stream Assessment Sub-unit Code WUNAME Watershed Unit name ** Note ** Name of watershed unit based on Hawaii Stream Assessment names. Where no Hawaii Stream Assessment name exists, the name of a major stream or feature in the watershed unit is used. ** WUTYPE Watershed Unit type WIC Closest WIC area ** Note ** Watershed Identification Code (used by DLNR) for WIC area closest to matching the watershed unit. ** ACRES Acreage of polygon ** Note ** Polygon area in acres. These acreages have to summed where multiple polygons comprise a single watershed unit. ** REDEFINED ITEMS ------------------ WUCODE Complete Watershed Unit code (combines "-CODE" items, above) WUABBR Island Watershed Unit abbreviation (combines HGUCODE and HSACODE) WUABBRSUB Island Watershed Unit abbreviation including sub-watershed code (Oahu only) ANNOTATION (1 or 2 annotation classes) -------------------------------------- WUABBR Watershed Unit Code abbreviations for 1:100,000 scale maps WUABBR250 Watershed Unit Code abbreviations for 1:250,000 scale maps (Big Island only) Attribute Value Definitions --------------------------- SUBCODE Definition 00 Flows into ocean (mouth of system). (Mouth of non-system streams also given this value.) 01, 02, 03 Major tributaries of stream system (Oahu only) WUTYPE Definition P Perennial (whether continuous or interrupted, except stream systems) I Intermittent A Flows into Class AA or other special waters (and neither 'P' nor 'I') B Flows into inland Basin (and neither 'P' nor 'I') S Stream system (mouth or tributary) X Watersheds not included in above categories Contact: Joan Delos Santos, Office of Planning, State of Hawaii, PO Box 2359, Honolulu, Hi. 96804; (808) 587-2895. email: