Soil Binders

This animation presents 1 year of data gathered between March 2000 and March 2001 at Pirates Beach located on Galveston Island Texas. The species represented in the change over time are presented in detail in this section.

Gulf Croton, Beach tea Species Spotlight

Gulf Croton, Beach tea

Gulf Croton, Beach tea
Croton punctatus

Description: Perennial, large, extensively spreading shrub to 3 ft tall. Leaves round to oval-shaped with slightly wider base. Orange colored pubescence or downy hairs on plants. 3 seeds per capsule.

Habitat: Backshore near dunes or dune ridges, windward and leeward slopes of dunes and other loose dry sands along the coast.

Distribution: Coastal areas from North Carolina southward to Venezuela, including U.S. Gulf coast

Status: Excellent dune stabilizer and should be encouraged to establish.

Fiddleleaf Morning Glory Species Spotlight

Fiddleleaf morning glory

Fiddleleaf morning glory, Beach morning glory
Ipomoea imperati

Description: Creeping vine with narrow irregularly lobed variable shaped leaves, often fiddle-shaped, rooting at nodes, vine trails across beach. Flowers white, tubular bell-shaped s with yellow centers. Leaves and flowers lie directly on the sand and extend as much as 90 ft in length Roots emerge at numerous nodes along the stem and anchor the plant to the substratum. Survival from burial depends on length of stem that leaves exposed leaves.

Habitat: Backshore near dunes, windward and leeward slopes of dunes and coastal flats

Distribution: Coastal Texas

Status: Excellent soil binder for establishing dunes. Vines colonize across back beach but beach traffic prevents plants from growing far out on beach

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