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Report a Sighting

Use this form to alert us to sightings of invasive species and activate our early detection network. This is a communication tool: reports are not entered into our database from this form (a complete field form is necessary for inclusion in the database). Please attach digital photographs if possible.

Phone: (Optional)

Your Sighting: (1000 characters)
Please provide a description of where the sighting is located by directions or GPS Coordinates.

You may provide up to 3 JPG images to be provided with your sighting. The images must be JPG(JPEG) and
the file size must be less than 4M.
Image 1: (Optional)

Image 2: (Optional)

Image 3: (Optional)

Can't read the codeword, request a new codeword. After three codewords, the system will
lock down. You may try again after ten minutes.

Geosystems Research Institute
Contact: John D. Madsen, Ph.D.  •  WebMaster