For the Public For the Manager For the Scientist

Welcome to DoD Partners in Flight

The Department of Defense (DoD) Partners in Flight (PIF) program sustains and enhances the military testing, training, and safety mission through proactive, habitat-based management strategies that maintain healthy landscapes and training lands. DoD PIF representatives assist installation natural resources managers in improving the monitoring and inventory, research and management, and education programs involving birds and their habitats. The DoD PIF Strategic Plan identifies actions that support and enhance the military mission while also working to secure bird populations. These actions can be incorporated into installation Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans and Bird/Animal Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) plans. DoD PIF works beyond installation boundaries to facilitate cooperative partnerships, determine the current status of bird populations, and prevent the listing of additional birds as threatened or endangered. DoD PIF provides a scientific basis for maximizing the effectiveness of resource management, enhancing the biological integrity of DoD lands, and ensuring continued use of these lands to fulfill military training requirements. Participating in partnerships, such as PIF, also helps DoD to more effectively meet its trust responsibility to conserve our nation’s biodiversity.

What's New

The Winter 2011-2012 edition of the Steppingstones newsletter is now available. Learn more
A checklist of Seasonal Distribution of Birds at Camp Mabry is now available. Learn more
2011 State of the Birds-Public Lands and Waters has been released. The report provides the nation's first assessment of the distribution of birds on public lands. Learn more
USFWS has released information for DoD on the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Learn more

About Partners in Flight

The international Partners in Flight (PIF) is a cooperative, non-advocacy partnership among federal, state and local government agencies, philanthropic foundations, professional organizations, conservation groups, industry, the academic community, and private individuals. Partners in Flight was initiated in 1990 in response to declining populations of migratory birds, and to emphasize the conservation of birds not covered by existing conservation initiatives. Department of Defense (DoD) bird conservation programs are a vital part of this initiative. The DoD PIF Program supports and enhances the military mission while it works to develop cooperative programs and projects with PIF partner organizations ensuring a focused and coordinated approach for the conservation of resident and migratory birds and their habitats.

The Partners in Flight mission has three basic priorities: helping species at risk; keeping common birds common; and voluntary partnerships for birds, habitats, and people. The power of PIF lies in the synergy that builds when diverse, committed groups who care about birds work together for a common goal.