Aquatic Non-Native Species Reporting Form

Please use the form to report new ANS or the range expansion of established ANS.  Be as specific as possible when describing the location in order that someone may find it simply by following your directions.  The report form can filled out online or printed and then mailed/faxed to Illinois Natural History Survey.

In order for the sighting to be entered into the official state records, a voucher specimen is needed.  If possible, please place a specimen in a leak-proof plastic container with rubbing alcohol to preserve (or, if a plant specimen, wrap in a damp paper towel) and send with a copy of the completed report form to Illinois Natural History Survey at the address below.  Thank you for your assistance in preventing the spread of ANS.
Printable version of ANS Reporting Form

Illinois Natural History Survey
Lake Michigan Biological Station
Attn:  ANS Reporting Form
400 17th Street
Zion, IL 60099
Phone: 847-872-8677
Fax: 847-872-8679

* - required information

Date of Report  Month     Day     Year

* Name


Address 1

Address 2
Zip Code 

* Phone  


Please fill in form as completely as possible.

Date of Sighting

* Sending Specimen to INHS

Yes   No
Species Identification
Common Name
Species Abundance:  Single Rare  Common  Abundant

Specimen Description

Sex:  F
Life Stage 
Reproductive Status 
Relative Health: Excellent  Good  Fair  Poor
Other Comments/Information
Location of Sighting
Nearest Point of Reference (Please specify landmarks, nearest intersection, river miles, etc.):
Visit Topozone to find your latitutde/longitude on a topographic map of the sighting location.
Site Description (e.g., habitat type, vegetation, water depth, substrate type)
Collection Method

Please make sure all information is correct as changes cannot be made once the form is submitted.