iMap Invasive Invasive Species Tracking

Report An Invasive Species

Please fill in the form below to report an invasive species to us.

WHO: Your contact information


WHAT: Information about the species you are reporting

Common name or scientific name if known; otherwise "unknown"

Field guide? A resource on the web?

If you took a digital picture, please send it to

If yes, we will contact you if we need to have the specimen mailed to the office.

WHEN: When did you see it?

When did you see it?

WHERE: Information about the location where you found the species

This report form is only to report species found in Oregon.

County *:
This report form is only to report species found in Oregon.

Please be as specific as possible, town, address, directions, etc.

If you have GPS coordinates, please provide them.

(e.g. 42.24)
(e.g. -78.42)

Please provide information about the GPS settings (WGS84, lat/long, UTM, zone, etc.)

Please describe where you found the species (e.g. woods, local pond, parking lot, etc.)

Other Information

(e.g. google search, information from a meeting, newspaper article, other)

Please provide any additional information you think would be helpful.