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Care of children during disasters is focus of federal report

Published: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 4:30 AM     Updated: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 8:21 AM
'Disasters don't strike on government's timetable,' said Mark Shriver, chairman of the National Commission on Children and Disasters.

The National Commission on Children and Disasters last week approved its 90-page interim report to President Barack Obama and Congress. The report identifies several shortcomings in disaster preparedness, response and recovery and provides recommendations designed to place children uppermost in future disaster planning efforts.

The recommendations include creating a national evacuee tracking and family reunification system, providing a safe and secure mass shelter environment for children, improving the capacity for child-care services in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, and ensuring that health-care professionals have adequate training in "pediatric disaster medicine."

"The most vulnerable Americans in the most vulnerable settings are made even more vulnerable by government inaction," said Mark Shriver, chairman of the commission. "Disasters don't strike on government's timetable, which means the time for government to act is now."

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nannycams September 20, 2009 at 2:41PM

National evacuee tracking and family reunification system?
Mass shelter environment for children?
The immediate aftermath of a disaster?

Ok, either Obama’s administration is actually moving us toward socialism as the neo-con-nuts suggest or, the government is quietly preparing for something and not letting the rest of us in on it.

Why would a reunification system be needed unless the children were evacuated without the parents. Why would there be a need for a mass shelter just for children staffed with doctors?

Not to put too fine a point on this but…Interestingly, in the news, it was reported that Iran does have nuclear capability now and are moving toward a long range delivery system. I.E. missiles.


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Rolex321 September 20, 2009 at 9:40PM

Nannycams I can see you didnt read the story at all and you just read the initial paragraph saw "Obama" in the paragraph and decided to continue on with ignorant Republican statement such as SOCIALISM, you dont think there needs to be family reunification system? Well I suggest you ask the families of people who lost relatives during the choas and the bus rides to other places how they feel...oh I forgot, since it wouldnt happen to you you have no need to be concerned about it right? Thank God none of your people are in the White House

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nannycams September 22, 2009 at 12:49PM

Actually it was you that cannot read.

Or comprehend.

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